International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste at Braća Radić Elementary School, Martinska Ves

Korištenje resursa projekta FoodEducators u hrvatskim školama postalo je sjajan način da učenici na zabavan i praktičan način nauče o važnim temama poput odgovornog korištenja hrane. Jedan od primjera je i Međunarodni dan svjesnosti o gubitku i bacanju hrane, obilježen 26. rujna 2024. u Osnovnoj školi Braća Radić u Martinskoj Vesi. Škola je kroz razne […]
FoodEducators: School activity days and weeks

School activity days and weeks in schools are essential for a well-rounded education. They go beyond the standard curriculum, helping students develop practical skills and raising awareness of important social issues. In food education, for example, project days or themed weeks allow students to explore topics like sustainability, reducing waste, healthy eating habits, and careers […]
FoodEducators: First info session in Primary school

Smion visited Antun Gustav Matos Primary School and held a FoodEducators info session for the school staff as part of the Teachers’ Council. Antun Gustav Matoš Primary School is located near the green area of Maksimir Park in Zagreb. It was established in 1933 and has been providing high-quality education ever since. The school has […]