GoAgriTech Workshops

Name: GoAgriTech Workshops
Tags/Category: Startup education, Schools, Education, EIT, EIT Food, Student innovations
Client: EIT Food
Social/Positive Impact: The goal of the GoAgriTech Workshops project is to educate Ukrainian high school students about career development opportunities in the agri-food sector and provide them with the necessary knowledge and confidence to pursue careers in agritech or foodtech industries.
Pioneers into Practice

Title: Pioneers into Practice
Client: Regional Energy Agency of Northwest Croatia (REGEA)
Social/Positive Impact: The project had a positive impact on supporting innovation development and finding solutions for climate change.
Applied Methodologies and Tools: Ideation sprint
EIT Health Innovation Day

Title: EIT Health Innovation Day
Client: Centar za istraživanje, razvoj i transfer tehnologije, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Social/Positive Impact: The project aims to promote innovations in the field of health, healthcare, and the healthcare system, as well as to educate students.
Applied Methodologies and Tools: Design Thinking
IT Academy

Title: IT Academy
Client: Raiffeisen Bank
Social/Positive Impact: The project aims to empower and educate in the field of developing ideas that solve market problems for the broader community.
Applied Methodologies and Tools: Startup Drill Board, Business Model Canvas
Lean Startup Drill – Lean Startup Educational Program

Title: Lean Startup Drill – Lean Startup Educational Program
Client: Reversing Labs
Social/Positive Impact: The project has a positive societal impact by promoting the professional development of employees through the acquisition of new skills and tools to enhance their effectiveness and address challenges.
Applied Methodologies and Tools: Startup Drill Board

Title: Primer
Client: InnoEnergy
Social/Positive Impact: The project empowers and educates the startup community on the fundamentals of user development tools in the early stages of developing their ideas.
Applied Methodologies and Tools: Lean Canvas
Adriatic Plastic Challenge

Title: Adriatic Plastic Challenge
Client: Volvo & Terra Hub, Zagreb, Croatia
Partners: Embassy of Sweden, IBM Croatia, and Stablo znanja Student Center
Social/Positive Impact: The project supports organizations contributing to stopping the further influx of plastic waste into the Adriatic Sea.
Applied Methodologies and Tools: Business Model Canvas, Design Thinking
Lean Startup School

Title: Lean Startup School
Client: International Burch University (IBU), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Social/Positive Impact: The project brought together seven winning teams from student startup competitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina to prepare them for the final competition at the national technology conference.
Applied Methodologies and Tools: Startup Drill Board
Playing Lean Workshop Budapest

Title: Playing Lean Workshop Budapest
Client: Lean Enterprise Institute, Vesprim, Hungary
Social / positive impact: 25+ participants from leading Hungarian companies were educated on the basics of lean startups and the key challenges of product development
Applied methodologies and tools: Playing Lean, Lean Canvas
Playing Lean & Lean Management

Title: Playing Lean & Lean Management
Client: Algebra Lab, Zagreb, Croatia
Social/Positive Impact: The project educated over 30 participants from various economic sectors on more efficient business management.
Applied Methodologies and Tools: Playing Lean, SIPOC