Playing Lean & Lean Management

Title: Playing Lean & Lean Management

Client: Algebra Lab, Zagreb, Croatia

Social/Positive Impact: The project educated over 30 participants from various economic sectors on more efficient business management.

Applied Methodologies and Tools: Playing Lean, SIPOC

Introduction Description:

The Playing Lean & Lean Management project, commissioned by Algebra Lab, aimed to empower participants from diverse sectors, including finance, IT, and services, with knowledge and competencies in applying the fundamental principles of Lean Management and Lean Startup. During the two-day educational program, participants gained a solid understanding of Lean Management principles, including:

  • Customer Value (VOC – Voice of the Customer)
  • Value Stream
  • Flow
  • Pull
  • Pursuit of Excellence
  • Identifying Process Waste
  • Fundamentals of 5S

By applying the Lean Startup approach, complemented by the Playing Lean workshop simulating market competition among four social networks, participants were underscored on the importance of continuous learning from customers to develop products that genuinely meet market needs.


The project successfully educated more than 30 participants on the significance of applying Lean principles in processes and product development. Participants acquired practical knowledge of Lean Management and the Lean Startup approach, which will aid them in more efficiently managing their businesses and driving innovation.