Improving medical care through artificial intelligence
AI2MED Smion naslovna

Artificial intelligence holds great potential in medicine, offering improved diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and enhanced efficiency of medical processes. AI2MED integrates AI into medical practice. We are dedicated to connecting healthcare professionals and innovators in the field of artificial intelligence. Our educational programs and Incubation Centers are designed to bridge the skills gap and accelerate the integration of AI into healthcare. Join us in our mission to create a more accurate, efficient, and accessible healthcare system.

The AI2MED project, coordinated by Algebra University (Croatia), is a three-year initiative carried out by 11 partners from 7 countries. The project is supported by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation – Alliances for Education and Enterprises program.

Other partners in the project include: Technische Informationsbibliothek, Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Keylon, and the University of Pavia (Italy); Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), Bird Consulting (Austria), Griffith College and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (Ireland), Smion (Croatia), and the University of Montenegro (Montenegro).

Learn more about the AI2MED project on the official website.


Goals of the AI2MED project

Defining skills and competencies in AI for medicine

Identify and describe the key skills required for integrating artificial intelligence into medical practice.

Raising awareness

Highlight the potential and risks of artificial intelligence in healthcare to foster innovation and enable informed decision-making.

Building trust

Establish a high level of trust in artificial intelligence technologies through clear guidelines on rules and restrictions.

Modernizing the curriculum and building alliances

Update higher education and vocational training curricula to include artificial intelligence in medicine, enhance educational offerings, and create alliances among multiple stakeholders to support advancements in healthcare.

Targeted audience

Who is AI2MED intended for?

  1. Higher education and vocational training students
    Medical and data science students.
  2. Educators
    Teachers in the field of data science and medicine.
  3. Innovative startups and small and medium-sized enterprises
    Organizations developing AI tools and solutions for healthcare.
  4. Medical institutions
    Facilities undergoing digital transformation.
  5. The general publicIndividuals interested in reliable, transparent, and objective AI tools for healthcare.
AI2MED Doctors wearing XR mask image


More about AI2MED Consortium

The AI2MED consortium includes 11 partners from 7 countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Montenegro, Italy, and Ireland. Each partner contributes unique value, enhancing the project’s impact. Higher education institutions and vocational education providers will innovate their teaching methods, focusing on skills in AI and intrapreneurship. Labor market stakeholders will spread knowledge about AI across Europe, support small and medium-sized enterprises, and contribute to the development of new educational programs. Our collective experience in AI and its application in medicine drives the project’s success.

Smion is part of the AI2MED consortium. We provide support and education to startups, the entrepreneurial community, and the academic community in the application of tools for the effective development of new products and services.

Learn more

Join our programs, attend our events, and be part of the revolution in healthcare. Contact us to find out how you can get involved.

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